Do I really want to be so involved with nutrition?Many of you know that
food is not only a physical need but many people use it to deal with their emotions. Since there is such a mental component associated with food intake, sometime I feel helpless because I cant change the way a person thinks. I can only help them by giving them tools to encourage lifestyle change.
Lately I have honestly been feeling a little burned out. Have you ever felt this way about the current situation you are in? It is amazing how God speaks to you in your times of confusion
. At church we are in a series called
Take This Job and Love It! A couple things that stood out to me and that might encourage you include:
God designed you for a purpose. I think it is very important to remind ourselves of this.
Does your job fit your values?Does it fit your gifts?Does it fit your personality?Keys to Job Satisfaction:1- Work in a field that uses your gifts and talents that you use for accomplishments of meaningful tasks (use your God given talents)
2- Work at building healthy relationships within your work. If an issue needs to be resolved take the first step. If you don't no one else will!
3- Perspective is everything. Work at developing the right attitude.
"Do the best where you are at in this moment because that is the best
preparation for what is to come."
I have committed to doing the best I can right now! I truly feel that I have been called to be a dietitian and fitness professional! All I need is a change of perspective! I was placed on this earth to encourage others to live a healthy lifestyle so that they are able to give back and do the work God has designed them to do!
What were you designed to do?