Thursday, October 14, 2010

How Many Calories Does Your Body Need in a Day?

What is harder losing weight or maintaining your weight??
Whatever your struggle is, it is important to know how many calories your body needs in a day and how many calories you are putting in each day.
Journaling your food intake and exercise, although time consuming, is the best tool to help you on your journey.

BMR Formula:
Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )
Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

By doing this simple equation you are able to determine your BMR Basal Metabolic Rate (the calories that you need to maintain your weight sitting doing nothing)

Multiply your BMR number by an activity factor to determine your TEE Total Energy Expenditure (calories you need to maintain your weight including lifestyle and exercise)

Sedentary (little to no activity)  BMR x 1.2
Lightly active (light exercise or sport 1-3x/wk) BMR x 1.375
Moderately active( moderate exercise or sport 3-5x/wk) BMR x 1.55
Very active (hard exercise or sport 6-7x/wk) BMR x 1.725
Extra active (very hard exercise up to 2x/day) BMR x 1.9

Your TEE represents the calories you need to maintain your weight. From here you are able to determine how many calories you should be eating to help reach your goal.

There are 3500 calories in a pound
If you are at a 500 calorie deficit each day you have the potential to lose 1 lb. per week.
If you are eating 500 calories over your TEE you have the potential to gain 1 lb. per week.

Calories can add up quick that is why it is so important to bring awareness to what you are eating and how many calories you are consuming. If you know you have over consumed, exercise! Exercising is a great way to burn off those unwanted calories/pounds. What is your TEE?

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Time of Change

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time!
- Thomas Edison!

In this time of change in my life this quote really spoke to me! Life is all about taking risks and getting out of your comfort zone to help reach your goals. Change isn't easy but everyone is capable. Do you need to be challenged? Is there a dream you are putting on the back burner?

This can related to many different aspects of, diet, work, relationships
What are your goals/ your dreams?

Change takes time! Many people go on a diet or fitness program with the all or nothing attitude. They are typically very successful, but once the program is over if they haven't adopted a healthy lifestyle the weight comes right back.

Diet and exercise isn't all or nothing, it is a complete lifestyle change. Daily we have to make decisions that affect our health. Small changes can make a big difference.

What are some small changes/goals that you can make to start your change?

- Eat breakfast
   - Get protein bars and drinks for on the go
- Drink Water
   - 64 oz per day
   - Add in fresh lemon or lime for flavor
- Eat your fruit and veggies
  - 5 a day
- Take time to meal plan
   - Pack your lunch
   - Make a shopping list and stick to it
- Make a list of healthy snacks to have on hand
  - Cut up veggies and put them in the fridge to snack on
  - Have some type of protein at snack time to help control hunger
- Find an exercise program
    - What time will you work out? Morning, afternoon or night?
    - Who will your workout with? Family, friends, workout video?

What is one thing you can change to help you on your quest for health?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The "5-3-2-1-almost none" plan

Implement these concepts to help you on your quest for health!

  • Eat 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables

  • Have 3 structured meals (including breakfast)

  • Limit TV/video game use to 2 or less hours

  • Engage in 1 or more hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity

  • Limit sugar-sweetened drink to almost none

Monday, September 20, 2010

Nuts for Nutrition

Nuts for Nutrition
Although nuts have many similar nutrients in them. Not are not created equal! Just like any diet variety is KEY!

Test your nut knowledge!

1. Which nut is the highest in selenium (an important nutrient to help increase immunity to viral illnesses)???

2. Which nut contains the highest amount of Omega-3 fatty acids helping decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) and reducing the risk of heart disease???

3. Which nut has the highest levels of antioxidants, thus making them useful in the prevention of many diseases i.e. - cancer and heart disease???

4. Which nut contains the same drugs that are used to prevent Alzheimer's??? It is also very high in vitamin E.

5. Which nut contains natural phytosterols which help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and total cholesterol levels??? This nut is also known to reduce the risk of prostate and breast cancer.

How did you do???
1. Brazil Nuts 2. Walnuts 3. Pecans 4. Almonds 5. Pistachios

Monday, September 13, 2010

Perspective is Everything

Do I really want to be so involved with nutrition?
Many of you know that food is not only a physical need but many people use it to deal with their emotions. Since there is such a mental component associated with food intake, sometime I feel helpless because I cant change the way a person thinks. I can only help them by giving them tools to encourage lifestyle change.

Lately I have honestly been feeling a little burned out. Have you ever felt this way about the current situation you are in?

It is amazing how God speaks to you in your times of confusion. At church we are in a series called Take This Job and Love It! A couple things that stood out to me and that might encourage you include:

God designed you for a purpose. I think it is very important to remind ourselves of this. Does your job fit your values?Does it fit your gifts?Does it fit your personality?

Keys to Job Satisfaction:
1- Work in a field that uses your gifts and talents that you use for accomplishments of meaningful tasks (use your God given talents)
2- Work at building healthy relationships within your work. If an issue needs to be resolved take the first step. If you don't no one else will!
3- Perspective is everything. Work at developing the right attitude.

"Do the best where you are at in this moment because that is the best
preparation for what is to come."

I have committed to doing the best I can right now! I truly feel that I have been called to be a dietitian and fitness professional! All I need is a change of perspective! I was placed on this earth to encourage others to live a healthy lifestyle so that they are able to give back and do the work God has designed them to do! What were you designed to do?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hey Friends!!

I wanted to let you all know about a new business that I have started up with Beachbody, creators of P90X, Insanity, Turbo Jam, Slim in 6, 10 min. trainer, and many other in home workout programs.

We all know that working out and eating right are the first things to go in our busy life's. What I love about Beachbody's in home workouts are that they are quick and effective.

Please take some time to check out my website and let me know if you have any questions. Some of you may even be ready to become coaches yourself!

I know how important fitness and nutrition are to a healthy, balanced lifestyle and I wanted to become a Beachbody coach to continue to help MOTIVATE people in their quest for health.

Please contact me regarding any of your fitness and health goals. Together we can make it happen!

Here is to you!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

The New Dirty Dozen: 12 Foods to Eat Organic

The New Dirty Dozen: 12 Foods to Eat Organic

We all know that buying organic can be expensive, BUT it may be worth it in some cases! Check out the dirty dozen. By choosing the organic version of these foods you have the potential to reduce your pesticide exposure by 80%!!!
1. Celery
2. Peaches
3. Strawberries
4. Nectarines
5. Potatoes
6. Apples
7. Blueberries
8. Bell peppers
9. Spinach
10. Kale
11. Cherries
12. Grapes

If you are unable to find these varieties of organic fruits and veggies try substituting for these 15 CLEAN foods that you do not have to buy organic.
2. Avocado
3. Sweet corn
4. Pineapple
5. Mango
6. Asparagus
7. Sweet peas
8. Kiwi
9. Cabbage
10. Eggplant
11. Papaya
12. Watermelon
13. Broccoli
14. Tomato
15. Sweet potato
Remeber eat 5 servings or fruits/veggies per day

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Portion Control

Here is some food for thought!
I just got back from a camping trip with my family, and of course when you go camping you have got to make s mores!

My brother and sister in law made sure we were equipped with the finest GIANT MARSHMALLOWS, delicious graham crackers, and of course the best part, chocolate squares.

Being the dietitian of the family I looked at these giant marshmallows and thought...."I wonder how many calories are in these?" 90 calories was the answer! I put one on a stick, shoved a chocolate square in it and started the roasting process.

Across from me was my other sister in law roasting the typical sized marshmallows. So I had to ask, "how many calories are in those?" 40 calories for 2 was the answer.

Typically I would be satisfied eating one regular s mores, but these giant marshmallows where just too cool to pass up!

So instead of eating 1 marshmallows on my s mores (20 calories) by choosing the cool GIANT MARSHMALLOW I was accidentally eating 4 (90 calories)!

WOW that is what you call portion distortion!

Here are some tips to cut back on portions, thus decreasing calorie consumption.
*Eat off of a smaller plate
*Use smaller spoons and forks. Set down your spoon or fork after each bite.
*When at a social event (BBQ, open house, pot-luck, etc) fill your plate only to the inside circle instead of all the way to the outside rim.
*After you are full, don't leave the plate of unfinished food in front of you, push it away of set a napkin on top to limit mindless eating while socializing.
*Read labels on food to see what the appropriate portion is
*If you over do it! Get up and MOVE!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Normal Weight Obesity

Calculate Your BMI - Standard BMI Calculator:

What is your BMI??

BMI is a ratio of height and weight to help determine the health status of an individual.

Underweight = BMI < 18.5
Normal weight = BMI 18.5-24.9
Overweight = BMI 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI > 30

Although BMI works well in most cases there are limitations to using this method.

The more accurate way to determine health in an individual is looking at body fat percentage.

Women should be 30% body fat or below
Men should be 20% body fat of below

How to determine body fat.
Many methods are used to determine body fat. The most accurate way is to do either underwater weighing or the Bodpod, but these tests can be expensive.

Local gyms or doctors offices typically have other methods such as skin callipers or biological impedance (Tanita scales).

Different scenarios

Have you ever been around that person who is a "twig" but eats a ton of junk and doesn't work out? Their BMI may be in a normal weight range, but guaranteed their body fat is above 30% thus placing them at risk of heart disease, diabetes, and many other co-morbidities. I call this a skinny fat person, or normal weight obesity.

Or what about the body builder who has a lot of muscle mass and very low body fat, but their BMI states that they are obese? It would be silly to call a fit individual obese.

It is important to know where you stand! What is your BMI? What is your body fat percentage? Where do you want to be?

What is one change that you would like to make in your diet/exercise pattern to improve your health??

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Get the Skinny on Your Coffee

You may already know that coffee is naturally a very low calorie drink. Then how do all those calories creep in there? Check out the calories in these popular coffee drinks!

White Chocolate Mocha (16oz, 2%milk) - 400 cal., 11 g. fat, 61 g. carbs, 15 g. pro.

Carmel Macchiato (16oz,2%milk) - 240 cal, 7 g.fat, 34 g. carbs, 10 g. pro.

Flavored latte (16oz, 2%milk) - 250 cal, 6 g. fat, 36 g. carbs, 12 g. pro.

Carmel Frappuccino (16oz, whole milk) - 390 cal, 15 g. fat, 61 g. carbs, 4 g. pro.

Her are some tips for the next time you are at your favorite coffee stand.
REMEMBER Although milk is very nutrient dense it also contains calories.

Fat free (skim)/low fat (1%) milk = 100 cal, 12 g. carbs, 8 g. pro.
Reduced fat (2%) milk = 120 cal, 12 g. carbs, 8 g. pro.
Whole milk = 160 cal, 12 g. carbs, 8 g. pro.

*Instead of a Latte try having an Americano topped with nonfat milk. Add a sugar free flavor if you like your coffee sweet.

* Always ask for a skim milk vs. whole milk that is typically used (this can save you 60 calories for every 8oz of milk used)

Is your sweet coffee really worth all the calories?? of course you deserve to treat yourself sometimes, but think about your long term goals! It might taste good now, but how will is affect you in the long term? Every little bit helps.

There are 3500 calories in 1 lb. By decreasing your calories by 500 each day that is 1 lb. weight loss over the week, 4 lbs a month, and 52 lbs a year!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Africa 2010

As I arrived in Africa I was told by one of the missionaries based there that this trip would change my life more than I would have ever thought. He was right! Not only was I able to help those in need, but the people of Africa taught me a lot about faith, love, and hope!

Here is a video from when I went to Africa earlier this summer! I learned a lot from the people of Uganda. They are so generous yet have absolutely nothing. We were able to give them HOPE by showing them love and fulfilling their basic needs (food and clothing).

Hopefully, watching this video will motivate you to help those in need. I truly believe that humans are innately good people and want to help others, but we get so busy in our daily tasks and forget to take time to give back!

I encourage you to get involved. It doesn't have to be a big trip to the most remote corrupt areas of the world but how about; donating clothes to the homeless, working at the local food bank, being a mentor to a young child or teen, or helping an elderly person with chores around the house.

I would love to hear your stories about helping others and how by doing that you truly helped yourself! :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

In Defense of Food

Michael Pollan, Author of In Defense of Food, an Eaters Manifesto, conveys in his book that because of the technology/food science of today what we are eating isn't really food but substances and how we are eating (on the run, in front of TV) isn't really eating.

The fact that food has been replaced by nutrients and common sense with confusion is what Pollan describes as the American Paradox : The more we worry about nutrition, the more unhealthy we seem to become

Here are a couple of rules that Pollan expresses in his book to help us on our quest for health.


1- Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food
2- Avoid foods products containing ingredients that are
A) Unfamiliar
B) Unpronounceable
C) Have more than 5 in number
3- Avoid products that make health claims
4- Shop the outside of the store, and stay away from the middle
5- Get out of the supermarket whenever possible

In today's society it is hard and maybe unrealistic at times to stick to these rules, but the small things you do can make a big difference!
An easy way to get started is find out where your local farmers market is at. You wont find any hydrogenated oils or high fructose corn syrup there. Buy fresh and local!

Sample meal plan: here is a quick menu to give you some ideas
3 egg omelet with veggies for taste (spinach, onion, tomato)
1/2 c. oatmeal topped with cinnamon and fresh fruit
All natural Vanilla Chobani Greek Yogurt
Add fruit and nuts if you choose
Grilled chicken taco salad (top salad with beans and fresh salsa)
To season chicken use natural spices such as cumin, chili powder, cilantro etc...
All natural tortilla chips
Hummus dip and carrots
Skewers on the BBQ
Choose your favorite meat, veggies, and fruit (pineapple, mango, etc)
Skewer and drizzle with olive oil and favorite spices
Sliced fruit (melons and berries)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Adding to Your Tool Box

There are so many different workout DVDs on the
market. In fact one day I hope to have my own :)
I wanted to share with you my favorites!!!!

Add these to your home fitness library.

Jillian Michaels 30 day shred
Turbo Jam

It is always great to be prepared! Have these at home for when you need a quick pick me up or need to sneak in a quick FUN workout.
You can find the DVDs in stores or online for between $10-20. They both offer different levels to meet you were you are at on your journey and help you reach your fitness goals.

If you don't want to go out and spend the money, try On Demand TV or Fit TV. DVR your favorite workout. Many cable providers have these different options. You can find endless workouts for free using these services!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Who Has Heard of Quinoa???
Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is a gluten free grain that originated in the Adean civilization. Although it has been around since at least 3,000 B.C. it is not very well known in North America.

Quinoa is a complete protein which means that it contains all 8 essential amino acids needed for tissue development. Quinoa is often commented on as the best protein source from the plan kingdom. Grains such as barley, corn, and rice have less than half the protein of quinoa. This seeds that comes from a leafy green plant is also full of calcium, iron, and vitamins.

Cooking with quinoa is fast and easy. Try it in casseroles, soups, stews, stir-fries, or even as a side dish/cold salad. Check this recipe out from Rachel Ray.

I challenge you to try something new!!! Let me know what you think!!!
Quinoa can be found in most stores under the health foods section.

Herbed Quinoa Recipe - Every Day with Rachael Ray

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


There is a bad wrap about carbs in today's society.
Although we need carbs for energy it is definitely easy to go overboard!

Do you know what foods have carbs in them?
Each carb option has approx 12-15 grams of carbohydrate per serving.

1- Milk and yogurt
2- Fruit
3- Grains
4- Starchy Veggies (corn, peas, potatoes)
5- Sweets (cakes, cookies, etc..)
6- Alcohol

When dishing up your plate, use this modified IDAHO PLATE METHOD

1/2 plate non startchy veggies
1/4 plate lean protein (4-6oz)
1/4 plate carbohydrate (serving of fruit, grain, or milk/yogurt)

Thursday, July 22, 2010


When our days get crazy it seems like the first thing to go is our workout! No more excuses!!!Take 25 min. out of your day for yourself!
Here is a great website that offers ideas for QUICK, EFFECTIVE, FAT BURNING workouts. No equipment is needed!

Kiya puts together 8 different exercises doing each one for 3 rounds 90sec/60sec/30sec. (look under the video section to find weightless by Kiya workouts)

Kiya is an amazing person and an inspiration to many!

Checkout her website for workout ideas. Maybe you can even create your own 90/60/30 workout!

Here is one I put together! Try it out and let me know what you think!
1- Burpees
2- Squats with alt. knee lift
3- Leg lift R. side
4- Leg lift L. side
5- Plank (knee to opposite elbow, twist)
6- Alternating lunges
7- Punches to the sky (elbows in)
8- Bicycle crunches

* If you are really low on time or you are just getting back into shape choose 4-6 exercises using the 90/60/30 format. You will reach your goals in no time!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Greek Yogurt

There are many different types of Greek yogurt on the market but I always recommend CHOBANI. The sugar content is fairly low and the protein is higher than some other Greek yogurts!

Try Greek yogurt as a post workout snack. It not only has carbohydrates to replenish your energy stores, but it has a good source of protein to help build lean body mass.

Do you crave sweets/ice-cream at night? Try yogurt as a healthy sweet alternative. Add some nuts of granola for a little crunch.

Although Greek yogurt may be a little more expensive it is definitely worth it! Try stocking up when its on sale, or check out Costco for a deal. Remeber you are worth it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Homemade Protein Bar Recipe

Eating snacks during the day can help control hunger levels preventing overeating at meal times or later in the day.
Making sure to eat small amounts during the day (every 3-4 hours). Just like a machine we need to fuel our bodies in order for them to burn/run efficiently.

Try these homemade protein bars as snacks or for a quick breakfast on the go. Be creative and mix up the recipe a bit. Let me know what you think and what new recipes you developed.

Homemade Protein Bar Recipe:
3 Cups Oatmeal ( Any variety, I used an apple cinnamon one that was good)
1/2 Cup Natural Peanut butter (Look for a PB without hydrogenated oils)
1 cup Skim Milk
4 Scoops Protein Powder (Whey protein is always a good choice)
Dash of cinnamon
Mix until a sticky batter is formed (may take a few minutes)
Spread into the bottom of a Pam-sprayed glass or metal cooking tray (spread until even)
Top/drizzle with sweetener of choice (stevia, agave, honey)
Refrigerate overnight and cut into bars


A New Start

When I first started going to school to become a dietitian I decided to make a mission statement for myself. "Dedicated to educating and motivating lifestyle change through diet and exercise."

Although daily I touch the lives of people in need and help them towards their fitness goals, I feel like I should to be doing something more with my talents. Sometimes I feel so small in this big world, but it is amazing how God puts someone in your life to MOTIVATE you!

After I got done teaching a fitness class a guy entered the room to finish up his workout. He asked me a question about classes offered. After talking for sometime we realized we had other things in common, such as acting/modeling. I started telling him about how I would love to be famous because I feel like I would be able to really make a difference promoting healthy lifestyle. He looked at me and simply said, you don't need to be famous to do that? DUH KRISTI! hahaha is just about how I felt. He ENCOURAGED me to start small so here I am. I want to use this blog to help MOTIVATE you! By not sharing my extensive knowledge of fitness and exercise with those who are health seekers I feel that I am giving up on opportunity. I got into this field not for myself but to help others! If there is anything I can do for you or if there is any nutrition/exercise topic you would like me to blog about please let me know. Lets all work together and MOTIVATE each other!

Visit anytime you need a little INSPIRATION to help you stay strong and MOTIVATED.

Do you have a story to share about how someone in your life has helped MOTIVATE and ENCOURAGE you?