Monday, October 11, 2010

A Time of Change

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time!
- Thomas Edison!

In this time of change in my life this quote really spoke to me! Life is all about taking risks and getting out of your comfort zone to help reach your goals. Change isn't easy but everyone is capable. Do you need to be challenged? Is there a dream you are putting on the back burner?

This can related to many different aspects of, diet, work, relationships
What are your goals/ your dreams?

Change takes time! Many people go on a diet or fitness program with the all or nothing attitude. They are typically very successful, but once the program is over if they haven't adopted a healthy lifestyle the weight comes right back.

Diet and exercise isn't all or nothing, it is a complete lifestyle change. Daily we have to make decisions that affect our health. Small changes can make a big difference.

What are some small changes/goals that you can make to start your change?

- Eat breakfast
   - Get protein bars and drinks for on the go
- Drink Water
   - 64 oz per day
   - Add in fresh lemon or lime for flavor
- Eat your fruit and veggies
  - 5 a day
- Take time to meal plan
   - Pack your lunch
   - Make a shopping list and stick to it
- Make a list of healthy snacks to have on hand
  - Cut up veggies and put them in the fridge to snack on
  - Have some type of protein at snack time to help control hunger
- Find an exercise program
    - What time will you work out? Morning, afternoon or night?
    - Who will your workout with? Family, friends, workout video?

What is one thing you can change to help you on your quest for health?

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